How would i use stash or some similar purposed mod, that would allow me to take a url title or entry id from a parent playa entry to pass to the slider id in the header and the actually div class for the slider?

    {exp:stash:set parse_tags="yes"}
      {exp:channel:entries channel="rehab" url_title="{segment_3}" limit="1" dynamic="on"}
        {stash:update_ids}0{exp:playa:parents channel="rehab_updates" status="open" limit="10"}|{entry_id}{/exp:playa:parents}{/stash:update_ids}

    {stash:update_ids} // To test if it is getting it.

Would it be possible that Playa throwing in an id_prefix for its loop would some how mess up the proper ID being stashed?

i'm calling nivo slider from a snippet, 
code - 
{exp:channel:entries channel="rehab"}
{exp:playa:parents channel="rehab_updates" status="open" entry_id="{exp:stash:update_ids}"}

<script type="text/javascript">
$(window).load(function() {


then where the slider would be positioned at --
{exp:playa:parents channel="rehab_updates" status="open" limits="10" parse="inward" entry_id="{exp:stash:update_ids}"}
the problem i'm running into now is, when limiting the playa loops to the update_ids, it doesn't parse the variable kills the loop