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Matrix is a custom fieldtype created by Pixel & Tonic to allow rows of data (or "matrixes") within a single entry.

0 votes

Can I make a Matrix Fieldtype and put in a row another Matrix fieldtype that contain file fi...

Whilst you may be able to cobble this together using something like Nolan, I would instead recommend using two separate channels - one for Presentations and another for Slides, then use Playa to pull …
James Smith's user avatar
  • 4,885
1 vote

Matrix, user global variables in basic text input breaking in simple if conditional

There were some weird conditional bugs in 2.5.2 that got fixed - may be worth upgrading:
James Smith's user avatar
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0 votes

Matrix total_rows variable not updating after adding rows manually

oops, not to worry I think I figured it out - I needed to set field_id_## in exp_channel_data to 1.
James Smith's user avatar
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2 votes

Need to "front load" Matrix content

=============== fetch and stash the dataset into individual variables ================================================== --} {exp:stash:set_list name="dataset" parse_tags="yes"} {matrix … {entry_date} {/related} {/stash:next_date} {stash:next_id}{row_id}{/stash:next_id} {/next_row} {/matrix
James Smith's user avatar
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1 vote

Assign Matrix field entry in Playa

(You could use moreMatrixRelations as a starting point for your own matrix-compatible field). … This could get quite unwieldy however, and performance would probably become an issue if a Matrix grows much beyond a dozen rows. …
James Smith's user avatar
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1 vote

Matrix & Zoo Visitor

I built something similar using my Bankcracker add-on, which may help: ...However I've not tested it extensively, and not at all with Matrix... but in … Take a look at these two resources for further details: …
James Smith's user avatar
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2 votes

Add row not working for Matrix field in Safecracker form

You're probably including jquery twice on the same page. Use safecracker's include_jquery="no" parameter. Also, be sure to include jQuery before any safecracker code. If you want to place all scripts …
James Smith's user avatar
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1 vote

Matrix field within safecracker form : new row opening blank page

Do you have any errors in the console? It's usually the case that jQuery is being included twice on the same page. Be sure to use the include_jquery="no" parameter and have your own jQuery included be …
James Smith's user avatar
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2 votes

Stash Nested Append List with Matrix and Playa

Whenever I encounter these parse order issues with Stash, I find it helps to promote your Stash tags higher up the nesting hierarchy. Remember that the set and set_list methods automatically detect ta …
James Smith's user avatar
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1 vote

Stash Playa field from Matrix (context)

-- playa field inside matrix --} {playa:url_title} {/link_patologia} {/stash:link_patologia} {/matrix_link_patologia …
James Smith's user avatar
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7 votes

using Stash to replace Matrix image slugs

I've tested this code with Matrix, and it works for me: {exp:channel:entries} {gallery_matrix} {exp:stash:set type="snippet"} {stash:image_{row_count}} …
James Smith's user avatar
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1 vote

Safecracker File Field in Matrix

Try this guide: Basically you'll need to do two things: Manually create your inputs and name them … appropriately (something like your_file_field_name[row_new_0][col_id_61] and description[row_new_0][col_id_62]) Write your own JavaScript logic to add and remove matrix rows and increment the numbers …
James Smith's user avatar
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