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9 votes

Assets errors with MySQL 5.7.X

The problem is that many developers don't know how to write compliant SQL statements - they're software developers who find themselves also filling the role of database developers. This problem crops ...
Paul's user avatar
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3 votes

Deployment server feautures

Suggest you contact the hosting provider recommended by EllisLab: Also read this whitepaper supplied by them:
Peter Lewis's user avatar
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Migration from Assets to native File Manager

I've been working on upgrading an EE2 6-site MSM installation up to EE5 and in the process realised that Assets now requires a separate license for each site. So to save myself $600 I wrote a script ...
David Hyland's user avatar
2 votes

Migration from Assets to native File Manager

It depends upon what you call 'easy'. It can be done, but is quite complicated, and AFAIK none has written a utility to do this migration for you (though it probably could be created). Assets bases ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Assets: Clean up Upload-Directories

Do you plan to continue using Assets? If you do you probably can achieve all this simply by dragging / dropping images within the Assets UI. If you plan to eliminate Assets, you cannot simply change ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Does Assets fields work in Calendar (solspace)

While the Calendar:Events template tag may work similarly to the EE Channel:Entries tag, it is much more limited. This is because Calendar looks at event recurrence rules and populates the additional ...
Solspace's user avatar
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WYVERN not showing images due to relative paths (Multi Site Manager, EE2.11.7)

Here's a trick: This allows the CMS to serve files over SSL or non-SSL, depending on whatever protocol is in use.
4midori's user avatar
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Fatal error: Call to undefined method Assets_ft::content_id()

I'd guess that when EEHarbor updated Assets to 3.0, they didn't test old EE2 versions (since it's primarily an EE3 release). They may offer a download of Assets 2.6 if you ask.
Derek Hogue's user avatar
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How can I conditionally reveal content of an asset based on day of the week?

You could do something like: {exp:channel:entries channel="specials" url_title='{current_time format="%l"}' } {current_time format="%l"} will yield the current day of the week. i. e. "Monday" Not ...
Jim Wyse's user avatar
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Solution for cloud hosting images on EE3?

there is a brandnew add-on called treasury wich supports assets storage on S3. It is also compatible with Ansel ( ...
Thomas Hartmann's user avatar
1 vote

Assets Field within Structure Entries

I have added an updated version of parse_file_paths by rsanchez as a fork which now will work in EE 3.x and up. All I did was to add the addon.setup.php file to the zip file with the appropriate ...
Terry Britton's user avatar

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