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2 votes

CE Image + AWS usage

Ce img is not a fieldtype where you can expect any fields. It is image cropping and scaling plugin. AWS is a different plugin which gives you ability to upload/fetch images to/from bucket. ...
Mufi - Amici Infotech's user avatar
2 votes

CE Image makes my logs sad by using xss_clean

CE Image 3.0.1 has been released and should take care of those pesky deprecation notices.
Aaron Waldon's user avatar
1 vote

Jpeg2000 or webp images with CE IMAGE?

CE-Image is pretty old now, and I'm also fairly sure it doesn't support outputing images in either webp or Jpeg2000 formats. Neither does any version of EE. In theory CE-Image (or some equivalent) ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Using math with a channel entries variable to work out the height/width value to pass to CE Image

I think you have a conflict with plugin in a plugin. You could surely try to use pass="inward" on both math and ce image. However, maybe you're better of with an embed where you first get all the ...
Jelle Dijkstra's user avatar
1 vote

CE Image, variable not parsed inside src image

Stash is very useful sometimes, but also is notorious for exactly this kind of obscure fail behaviour. Just look at the kind of questions asked about stash in this forum and you will see that you are ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Is CE_image compatible with EE version 5?

CE_image 3.0.1 works on EE5 installations, but pre-dates the release of EE4/5 by some time, so it is quite possible that it does not work so well with aspects of EE that were changed or introduced in ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Adaptive Images: CE Image vs. Standard EE Image Manipulations

The major difference is the amount of features and optinos ce image gives you. things like limiting filesize, compression etc. Also, CE image doesn't rely on images uploaded through EE. It handles ...
Jelle Dijkstra's user avatar
1 vote

CE Image {height} & {width} variables outputting incorrectly

We are using the following without any issue: {exp:ce_img:pair src="{logo}" height="75" width="150"} <img src="" data-original="{...
Out of Control's user avatar
1 vote

Changing the <img> tag with CE Image?

CE image does not have the ability to change the name of the image tag. You could, however, simply wrap your final html in a plugin with a replace method. For example, this is how to do that with CE ...
Aaron Waldon's user avatar

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