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5 votes

Where is the base_url in the database?

Well, it doesn't particularly matter where it is stored in the database, as you can override that value in your config file.
jrothafer's user avatar
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4 votes

EE3 --> Multiple Concurrent Database Connections via config files

Please see the documentation for full details: Connecting to an External Database But the basic pattern for spinning up a separate DB connection in v3 would be: Create a DBConfig object from your ...
Derek Jones's user avatar
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3 votes

Database connection issues upgrading to EE5

In EE 3/4/5, your database connection configuration lives in your system/user/config/config.php file. The configuration should look like this: $config['database'] = array ( 'expressionengine' =&...
jrothafer's user avatar
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2 votes

Channel Entry Model how do I get file url in grid field?

You've probably already found a workaround to this, but thought I'd throw in my 2¢ for others that are trying to get models to work. Models seem to be decent to use if you're doing simple things with ...
colbinator's user avatar
2 votes

Export and import of Cartthrob/EE data?

For data import, I highly recommend using AJW datagrab with CSV data. data export is a little bit trickier, but you can setup a template to output ...
pixldev's user avatar
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2 votes

Database error 1054 after upgrade to ee 2.11.6

The "Fingerprint field" is missing in DB. Go to Database to trigger this query. ALTER TABLE `exp_sessions` ADD `fingerprint` VARCHAR( 40 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL AFTER ...
Mufi - Amici Infotech's user avatar
2 votes

Table doesn't exist after upgrade

Seems related to this bug report. If you have a conditional checking for something like this: {if grid_field:total_rows > 0} try changing that to this: {if '{grid_field:total_rows}' > 0}
Low's user avatar
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2 votes

How to use a remote database inside docker containers

Figured it out. FROM php:fpm-alpine Doesn't include the mysql mods. I had to add this line to my dockerfile for php container: RUN docker-php-ext-install mysqli pdo pdo_mysql
Tyler's user avatar
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1 vote

syntax error or access violation: 1118 row size too large

It would help to know what version of EE you are using - good practice is to include this along with details of your php environment in your question; different versions of EE have different ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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What's the best, and fastest way, to remove large amounts of data from the database?

We ended up running similar queries found here Quick and safe way to delete all entries with a given status? and here Quickly delete 1000s of members We were actually able to remove millions of rows ...
ByteMyPixel's user avatar
1 vote

Export and import of Cartthrob/EE data?

For a simple EE to EE migration (within v.2 at least) there's no need for Datagrab et al, just export the SQL tables that you want and import into the other database.
James Smith's user avatar
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1 vote

Passing a GET variable back in a query while using mysqli_real_escape_string()

Use ee()->db->escape_str($event) - it's the native way to escape potentially-unsafe data in EE.
Derek Hogue's user avatar
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1 vote

How to proceed after upgrade error ee2 to 3?

EE2 and EE3 have their config files in different directories. Did you do these two things? Copy system/expressionengine/config/config.php to system/user/config/config.php Copy system/expressionengine/...
Michael McGhee's user avatar
1 vote

Cannot convert exp_channel_data to INNODB

After spending some months on this exact problem (we have 360 or so custom fields), here's what I've learned: RDS snapshots are only consistent for InnoDB tables. Converting exp_channel_data to ...
Onno Benschop's user avatar
1 vote

Creating user datasets when logged in

I don't know if this is exactly what you're after, but you can use the plugin Shortlist to let visitors tag channel entries and then collect them into a list.
Marketing Alliance's user avatar
1 vote

InnoDB or MyISAM - What's the "correct" database storage engine for EE4/EE5?

EE now defaults to using InnoDB type tables in MySQL. The docs have instructions on how one can convert MyISAM tables to InnoDB (here). Whether it makes any difference on an average site is moot, ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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1 vote

Database access from another server

EE stores its data (by default) in a MySQL database using InnoDB type tables (earlier versions of EE used MyISAM type tables): MySQL or Percona are listed as requirements for the latest versions of EE,...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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1 vote

Settings in Admin get dropped, will save temporarily, hours later are reset/gone

This actually turned out to be an issue with the plugin "Template Sync" - EE support helped me figure it out (thanks Robin!). Narrowed it down to just a templates issue, and found "Template Sync" ...
ByteMyPixel's user avatar
1 vote

How to make EE ignore database table prefix when writing your own queries

You should never use any table in EE without prefix. Its totally not recommended. Now you have only 1 possibility. Instead of using EE (CI) query, use sql. ee()->db->query( "INSERT INTO `...
Mufi - Amici Infotech's user avatar
1 vote

New EE3 installation and other SQL-base

Never ever do direct EE1 to EE3. First of all upgrade EE1 to EE2. That will make necessary changes to your database. (Remember change all the plugins with EE2 version otherwise backend and/or frontend ...
Mufi - Amici Infotech's user avatar
1 vote

Preventing SQL Injections

You should always scrub any user input before it gets to your query. The first thing you should do is run and input variables through the input class. i. e. $var = ee()->input->post('my_var', ...
Jim Wyse's user avatar
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1 vote

Generic error during install on DB config

This ended up being simple. For my instance, the MySQL module wasn't installed for PHP. Once it was added it worked as expected... My issue ended up being the fact that the error was completely non-...
Jared's user avatar
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