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6 votes

Upgrade a site from EE2 to EE5

Alright, let's do this. I got you, fam. I've done several 2 > 5 upgrades, both small sites and some real big ones. First thing, so far no client has opted to go the rebuild route. Generally it ...
jrothafer's user avatar
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4 votes

White screen on multi site front end after upgrading Expressionengine

that might be all sorts of things. Generally it means there is a php error. -turn on show errors in the php settings -turn on show errors in EE If the main site is showing but the multi sites are not ...
Jelle Dijkstra's user avatar
4 votes

PHP 7 Error with ChannelImages: Fatal error: 'continue' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in…

Replace the continue with return statement.
Jainil's user avatar
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2 votes

PHP Error after upgrading from version 2.5.3 to 2.11.7

It does sound like some file either has whitespace inserted ahead of its opening <?php tag, or you have a file that is using closing PHP tags ?> and has whitespace after it. ExpressionEngine ...
Derek Jones's user avatar
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2 votes

Table doesn't exist after upgrade

Seems related to this bug report. If you have a conditional checking for something like this: {if grid_field:total_rows > 0} try changing that to this: {if '{grid_field:total_rows}' > 0}
Low's user avatar
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2 votes

EE2 upgrade to EE3, how to upgrade addons?

There are some thoughts on how to go about the upgrading process in the expressionengine documentation - and elsewhere in stackexchange. Start with these sources, and if you have problems beyond what ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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2 votes

Where to download 3.5.17?

I believe this is the right file If you're upgrading a site from an earlier EE version, remember to follow the instruction ...
Jelle Dijkstra's user avatar
1 vote

Need help with error after upgrade to EE v6

So it looks like this is an error with some of the code in PHP 5.6 If possible to upgrade to PHP 7.x or higher, this should be resolved. We'll also make a change to fix this in PHP 5.6 in the core.
Tom Jaeger's user avatar
1 vote

Upgrading from EE v2 - v6 - Module alternatives?

Looking at this add-on it looks like it would be a very quick one to update to version 6 (Might be worth asking in Slack if someone is willing and ...
Tom Jaeger's user avatar
1 vote

How to run EE3 Installer

When upgrading to v3, you have to download the specific release tag instead of just downloading the v3 master branch. This is the link:
Micah's user avatar
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How to run EE3 Installer

Try to visit the installer directly; it sounds like your admin.php file is trying to load the Control Panel system and not the installer. The plugins table is created in the EE 3.0.0 update script, ...
jrothafer's user avatar
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1 vote

How to run EE3 Installer

Seems to be an add-on problem. So try to uninstall, or update it this add-on before to to the update. Check if this addon is EE3 compatible or not, if it still exists, and if it is useful or not. ...
Stéphane's user avatar
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Upgrade EE2 to EE3 : Internal Server Error

It sounds like you have an incomplete member record issue. EE2 was not very strict about the member model being complete; however, EE3/4/5 is much more strict and will hit fatal errors if a member ...
jrothafer's user avatar
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1 vote

Update process freezes from 2.11.8 to 2.11.9, what do I do now?

If you are getting a 'white screen of death' then most likely it is an add-on that is causing problems. One solution is to un-install all the add-ons, do the upgrade and then add them back. (simply ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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