Front end member area
I have no idea what your actual setup is, but I general find that a best practice is to utilize embeds for control features as well as consistency. Here is an example: Two template groups, one call ...
Bypassing login system messages using Solspace User on EE3
I've created a really basic extension to bypass the default message. It redirects to an account page on login and the home page on logout but this could be modified to point to any URL (i.e. a custom ...
Any way to login with email address in EE 3?
The "User" 4.0.7 plugin from Solspace supports it.
You can find it at https://solspace.com/expressionengine/user/docs/email_as_username/
Extensions Error and Unable to Login After Upgrade from EE2 to EE3
You have a few options.
If it's just extensions, you can use this configuration override to disable all extensions:
$config['allow_extensions'] = 'n';
Add that line to the end of your config.php file....
EE 3.5.17 Infinite redirect (302) loop when logging into CP
I believe this happened because (1) I did not have addon.setup.php for a custom module or (2) I had uninstalled a module that I actually needed before performing the upgrade from EE2 to EE3. I walked ...
Is there any good solution for Facebook login with EE4 / EE5 in 2018? [YES !]
I have not used it but I did stumble across "Smart Members PRO" on devotee https://devot-ee.com/add-ons/smart-members-pro
Upgraded to EE 4.2.0 from EE 3.5.15 and now can't login
Try adding these lines on the bottom of your system/user/config/config.php file:
$config['cookie_prefix'] = '';
$config['cookie_path'] = '';
$config['cookie_domain'] = '';
Upgraded to EE 4.2.0 from EE 3.5.15 and now can't login
Generally it happens in EE4 when you have your ID row in exp_members table but not in exp_member_data table. Can you make sure you have entry in both the table?
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