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Assets errors with MySQL 5.7.X

The problem is that many developers don't know how to write compliant SQL statements - they're software developers who find themselves also filling the role of database developers. This problem crops ...
Paul's user avatar
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2 votes

SuperSearch Install Error

SuperSearch has been obsolete for quite sometime (didn't make it past v2) and will not run on newer versions of EE. Try Low Search.
Jim Wyse's user avatar
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2 votes

Get all entries where expiration date is within last 12 months

Could you not use native parameters for this? {exp:channel:entries channel="mychannel" show_expired="only" start_on="-12 months"}
Bluedreamer's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the MySQL function for exp_members password column?

I want to post an update to this question for EE 5 because the current answer is pretty outdated. In order to set a member's password in the DB, you'll need to know what the hash algorithm is. From /...
WOUNDEDStevenJones's user avatar
1 vote

CE Cache - if page not yet cached, error: Base table or view not found

It looks from the last error you reported that the CP issue is being caused by a configuration error - EE is trying to delete an entry from a table that doesn't exist (the table ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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General error when trying to access templates

All efforts to locate the offending encoded entity failed. I therefore made another backup of the database and all template files and proceeded to systematically delete template files. It ended up ...
forrest's user avatar
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1 vote

General error when trying to access templates

I believe your issue is MySQL attempting to encode an invalid UTF-8 byte sequence. I checked (even though it is obvious if you work with encoding/decoding UTF-8 on string sequences) and \xD5ve is not ...
jrothafer's user avatar
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Is ExpressionEngine compatible with MariaDB?

I run it on a Vagrant box and it seems to work fine.
Jim Wyse's user avatar
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1 vote

Passing a GET variable back in a query while using mysqli_real_escape_string()

Use ee()->db->escape_str($event) - it's the native way to escape potentially-unsafe data in EE.
Derek Hogue's user avatar
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