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How to use an SQL query to display entries from last 45 days

You can try below query to display entries of last 45 Days. SELECT DISTINCT field_id_19 AS HomeTitle FROM exp_channel_data t1 INNER JOIN exp_channel_titles t2 ON t1.entry_id = t2.entry_id WHERE t1....
Harsh Barach's user avatar
2 votes

Get all entries where expiration date is within last 12 months

Could you not use native parameters for this? {exp:channel:entries channel="mychannel" show_expired="only" start_on="-12 months"}
Bluedreamer's user avatar
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Querying for a relationship field To access the child entry to your Servers channel, just loop over the field like so: {exp:channel:entries ...
jrothafer's user avatar
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2 votes

Create an entry from an extension?

Yes, obviously it is possible to use the model to create a new entry. To create a new entry using model you should follow below syntax. $entry = ee('Model')->make('ChannelEntry'); $entry->...
Harsh Barach's user avatar
1 vote

tracking query parameter

Given your outdated EE version, I'm not sure there are any viable add-on's that can help you with this (maybe Mo' Variables if you can get an old version?). A quick search shows this add-on: https:...
jrothafer's user avatar
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Add new Channel ID access to multiple member groups via SQL Query

If you have access to a SQL Utility like Sequel Pro and a code editor it is pretty easy to do. First you need to get a list of the groups that don't have the channel_id set. Using the SQL Query tab ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Getting Channel Entry Data With AJAX

There are answers both complex and simple, really depending on your actual use case. This simple answer is just to AJAX in a template that does what you want. There is no reason you can't have a ...
jrothafer's user avatar
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Model service filtering by date

$data = ee('Model')->get('ChannelEntry')->filter('field_id_103', '>' , '1536677819'); This code works for me. Where field_id_103 is my field ID and 2nd parameter is operator (> , <, >=, &...
Mufi - Amici Infotech's user avatar
1 vote

Need query that filters entries by category

You have defined p as alias for the posts table but you have not defined t as alias for the titles table. FROM exp_channel_titles t You'll also probably want to limit by status and by date (not ...
AllInOne's user avatar
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SQL Query to Get count of entries of a certain status inside channel

So... I finally got it working, though not with SQL which I imagine is more efficient. Behold my mess. Note this is only because I'm having to nest it, and also match to url_title because of how we ...
Chris O'Connor's user avatar
1 vote

SQL Query to Get count of entries of a certain status inside channel

It might work out easier to turn this into a short plugin, but would a query like this work? You'd need to pass in the id of the channel you're looking for. {exp:query sql="SELECT count(*) AS ...
Michael McGhee's user avatar
1 vote

Dynamic Template Name in URL

Are the separate templates really different enough to warrant being separate? Usually you could code in the logic for slightly different views within a single template - much simpler and more ...
James Smith's user avatar
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Passing a GET variable back in a query while using mysqli_real_escape_string()

Use ee()->db->escape_str($event) - it's the native way to escape potentially-unsafe data in EE.
Derek Hogue's user avatar
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Removing duplicate entries using an SQL query

I've now solved this one by using an SQL Query as follows: <select id="locationList" name="fieldName"> <option value="">All Locations</option> {exp:query sql=' ...
Tom Perkins's user avatar
1 vote

Removing duplicate entries using an SQL query

I would have solved that with storing everything in a exp:stash:set_list, and then looping out it with a exp:stash:get_list. Read more on how to do that here:
Pontus Madsen's user avatar
1 vote

Low Search and match 3 fields and then return data

Looking at your example code, you've got several filter parameters in your Form tag. And as stated: these parameters can be applied in two ways: as input fields in a Form, or as hard-coded ...
Low's user avatar
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