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Stop stash embed caching file

{stash:embed name="_foobar" replace="yes"}
Mark Croxton's user avatar
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stash parsing sequence

If you want to understand parse order better, you could have a look at this handy cheat-sheet: originally created by Low, the copy on his site appears to have disappeared, but here is a version of it ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Stash and Multiple Grid Fields Not Populating

Let me show you how the parser will parse that code before Stash tries to capture it as a list. I'll assume your relationship field only allows you to select a single person: {!-- first grid field --}...
Mark Croxton's user avatar
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Tracking Video Plays in Google Analytics

You could take a look at Google Tag Manager. I use it to inject GA code into our website pages and for click tracking purposes.
Robert's user avatar
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Stash construct works in EE2 but fails in EE3... why? how to fix?

One obvious problem there is that that you are parsing only one layer down when capturing the Stash variable. So you would actually be capturing this: {exp:channel:categories show="{construct:cat_id}"...
Mark Croxton's user avatar
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{stash:embed name="test"} vs {exp:stash:embed name="test"}

Stash embeds can be parsed at three different stages in the parse order of their parent template: process="start" - embed the template before any other variables and tags in your template are parsed. ...
Mark Croxton's user avatar
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Stash content depending on SSL / https

First thing to ask is, do you really need to? Your links could just be protocol relative: {stash:item_link}//{/stash:item_link} If that's not the issue then you could create a global ...
Mark Croxton's user avatar
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How do I generate a complete list of all "search-words" for a given Low Search query?

First of all, don't worry. Your database is not corrupt, nor are you getting any database error messages. Most likely, your setup isn't producing the results you are expecting due to a combination of ...
Low's user avatar
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Embedded template variables and conditionals?

I think your problem is that you're not using the correct variable name in the conditional. When you send a variable in an embed, the variable on the other end is {embed:variable_name}, not {...
Jason Boothman's user avatar
1 vote

Possible to 'build' a field tag with a var?

There is a way to do this that would appear to be quite a bit less complicated, and possibly helpfully, does not require the use of either stash, inline php or embeds... What you need to do is exploit ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Possible to 'build' a field tag with a var?

I ran a quick test with a dropdown field, where the value of the drop down was {body} (a field in another channel I have). I believe the following should work to do what your looking for. {exp:...
Tom Jaeger's user avatar
1 vote

CE Cache and url_override value - possible to use/get a dynamic URL with Stash?

Aha! Figured this out with an embed. The parameter: url_override="shop/{embed:this_product_cat_name}/{embed:this_members_location}" The embed tag: {embed="..." ...
ByteMyPixel's user avatar
1 vote

Force Stash to output https

Looks like I needed to clear the ce cache directory and it's working now.
SilenceKit's user avatar
1 vote

How can I use stash->parse in my extension

Quick update - having looked at what causes this error, I found that if I call ee()->TMPL->fetch_addons(); in my extension before I call stash->parse, it works fine without an issue. Hope ...
boilerroomdigital's user avatar
1 vote

Stash id for use in category filtering - help with parse order

First problem: the variable "cat_id" will get set twice and always have the later value. You could use Switchee instead of if/else. The reason why and some alternative solutions are described here: ...
Mark Croxton's user avatar
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Stash segment for use on other page

Make sure the tag you are capturing is actually parsed before you try to save the variable, otherwise you will capture the literal tag pair rather than its output: {exp:stash:set name="...
Mark Croxton's user avatar
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Can't get custom 404 page to come up

There's a setting here: /cp/settings/template turn enable strict urls on and select the proper 404 template just below it
Jelle Dijkstra's user avatar
1 vote

What's the best way to search for specific terms in files?

I got some feedback from the developer of Stash (Thanks again, Mark!) on this via Twitter, and he advised not to do it this way. So I went back to the drawing board. I ended up having our programmer ...
ByteMyPixel's user avatar
1 vote

Doubt about a Stash Embed parameter : name"my_var1"

The example you have highlighted is intended to illustrate how you can take advantage of the stash caching system to create multiple cached versions of the same template code based on with different ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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PHP filtering not working consistently with stash

If anyone else is interested, I solved this by hacking the Tag module (which is very nicely written) and added an 'exclude_ids' parameter to the 'related_entries' tag, which when set, filters out the ...
greebstreebling's user avatar
1 vote

Splitting a string into a Stash list?

Haven't used BBD Stringer, but have used Low List to help with this. You can do something like: {exp:stash:set_list name="XXX" parse_tags="yes" } {exp:low_list:each items="north|east|...
Romans-8---31-39's user avatar
1 vote

Stash List with Grid and Entry Title

Suspect it is because you are using different context settings between setting the list and getting it back again. You set the list using {entry_id} as the context. You retrieve the list using {...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Big doubts about Stash Bundle

In my opinion, you are confusing bundles with lists. Stash lists will provide the functionality you're looking for (which is basically to group variables into an array). Bundles are merely used as a ...
James Smith's user avatar
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How to use Swtichee and/or Low Variables to optimise an if if:elseif if:else conditional statement

Frankly, ExpressionEngine code conditions to convert in switchee or law variables will not increase page speed. To enhance the performance, you should try this plugin for if condition:(EE2) URL To ...
Mufi - Amici Infotech's user avatar
1 vote

Stash corrupting data in EE3

ExpressionEngine (all versions) will choke if you use the same tag as a single and as a pair in the same template: {exp:stash:test process="end"} {exp:stash:test}Test value{/exp:stash:test} It ...
Mark Croxton's user avatar
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Using a conditional within {exp:stash:set_list}... how?

Whilst I'm not sure why your current code doesn't work (have you tried removing parse="inward" on the Low Reorder tag?), I would approach this in a slightly different way by filtering out the current ...
James Smith's user avatar
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Embed parameter value as stash value

If you must use an EE embed rather than a Stash embed, then the easiest approach would be to set a global ("snippet") variable rather than a Stash variable: {exp:stash:set name="email" type="global"}...
Mark Croxton's user avatar
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EE embed inside stash parse process end

Stash will not parse EE embeds, only it's own embeds.
Mark Croxton's user avatar
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Tricky Stash table styling task

This will get you part of the way. It should be possible to group the type column as well, using the same principle, but you'd need an index column in the set list that combined the ticket value and ...
Mark Croxton's user avatar
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parse="inward" question

Here's another example that I hope will help others with similar confusion (as I was until about 15 minutes ago). I was recently trying to get the following template to work: {exp:app:voucher hash="{...
Henry's user avatar
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