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LowSeg2Cat and Transcribe not working together

This is as designed. Low Seg2Cat creates its own instance of EE's URI class, because add-ons like Transcribe (and specifically Structure) tend to rewrite the original URI instance, which rewrites the ...
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2 votes

Transcribe for EE2 - export all variables?

You can export the data from the EE MySQL database if you have access to a MySQL utility such as Sequel Pro or Navicat. You'll need to enter some SQL to isolate the data you want, something like this:...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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EEHarbor Transcribe - gets all posts of all languages, rather than just the chosen language

Working with the EE team, we fixed this. Turns out, the AND `tel`.`entry_id` IN (2) was the bit that was breaking it. Delving into the database, there was some very old entries that had the same URL ...
ammykamii's user avatar
1 vote

How to translate a string in custom form

ExpressionEngine does not have multi-lingual features in its base configuration, but you can add these via an add-on: there are at least two very good options available. Publisher Transcribe Both ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Channel Form / Transcribe Required Field Error

If you make a hidden field called transcribe__transcribe_language and set it to {transcribe:language_abbreviation} Or you can try to add: transcribe="disable" to your channel form tag
Jelle Dijkstra's user avatar
1 vote

LowSeg2Cat and Transcribe not working together

I appreciate response of @Low. Thank you sir. As I have many pages where I cannot use {last_segment_category_id} or {segment_[n+1]_category_id}. I needed some quick hack in LowSeg2Cat extension to ...
Mufi - Amici Infotech's user avatar
1 vote

EE3 Transcribe url not updating after language switch

their latest update fixed 2.2.2
simpleton's user avatar
1 vote

Transcribe + Wygwam + Structure links not working

I spoke to the developer, this is a known bug. They will fix it at some point.
Patrick64's user avatar
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Freemember login errors with Transcribe

Im a little late to the party, but I just spent a day tracking down the cause of this bug. The issue is that transmit deals with ACT actions differently to normal GET requests. In ext.transcribe.php ...
Paul Danelli's user avatar

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