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How can an ExpressionEngine installation be updated to the latest version?

If you're upgrading EE3 to another version of EE3: If you're upgrading from EE2 to EE3:
Michael McGhee's user avatar
3 votes

Upgrading EE from very old version to current

I've done several EE 2.X upgrades to 4.X and 5.X in the last few years, and on some pretty big sites to boot. It is non-trivial, but you can totally do it. Rather the retype a bunch of info, I laid ...
jrothafer's user avatar
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PHP Version compatibility issue with EE module

As error says, PHP 7 is only allow variables to passed by reference not an instance. You now need to remove that line and replace all $this->EE calls to ee(). That will work for you.
Jainil's user avatar
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2 votes

Problems with Visitor 3.01 and The update form tag

Thanks to the Romans-8---31-39 comment's, I discovered when i am logged as admin, exp:visitor:update_form is not processed, logged as member it is processed, so the the problem is solved!
Stéphane's user avatar
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exp_cookie_settings error on update

Figured it out. For some reason, my ee folder was missing the installer folder. Once I replaced it, the installer worked.
mediapimp's user avatar
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1 vote

Many error messages after update from EE5 to EE6.4.6

A new release of Channel Images: 7.5.2 has been released to fix this. Thank you for your patience as we update our addons to php 8.2
bakin's user avatar
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exp_cookie_settings error on update

Do you have a .env.php file? If so, make sure that you have the install mode set to true: putenv('EE_INSTALL_MODE=TRUE');
Lucas's user avatar
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Unable to load ext.rte.php after updating from V2 to V6

For the time being, the best solution would be manually remove record from exp_extensions DB table. And of course, report a bug.
Yuri Salimovskiy's user avatar
1 vote

Error in admin.php or system/index.php when trying to upgrade to 5.4.0

Hard to tell from your question what actually is going on, but here is a suggestion for a way forward: Download a clean copy of EE 5.4 Create a clean / new install of EE 5.4 on some test system Copy ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Error message after upgrading to 3.5.17 (from 2.11.9)

Are you absolutely sure you have your DB settings correct in your config.php file? They should have this format in that file: $config['database'] = array ( 'expressionengine' => array (...
jrothafer's user avatar
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Can't find the admin tab v.1.6.9

First of all, kudos to you for taking on an EE upgrade project yourself. I am going to warn you that it is non-trivial, and I generally recommend you hire a professional EE developer to do the job. ...
jrothafer's user avatar
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Update process freezes from 2.11.8 to 2.11.9, what do I do now?

If you are getting a 'white screen of death' then most likely it is an add-on that is causing problems. One solution is to un-install all the add-ons, do the upgrade and then add them back. (simply ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Exp:resso Store v3 won't update to 3.0.1

I've heard back from Exp:resso support. The addon is updating even though the button isn't showing so. It seems it is just a display issue which will be resolved in the next build. Thanks to Romans-8-...
Tomtids's user avatar
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New EE3 installation and other SQL-base

Never ever do direct EE1 to EE3. First of all upgrade EE1 to EE2. That will make necessary changes to your database. (Remember change all the plugins with EE2 version otherwise backend and/or frontend ...
Mufi - Amici Infotech's user avatar
1 vote

PHP Version compatibility issue with EE module

Pretty sure you don't need this in a plugin `$this->EE =& get_instance(); ref
Jim Wyse's user avatar
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ee:cpnews_feed is not writeable

Change permissions to system/user/cache/rss_parser/cpnews_feed to 777
Jordan's user avatar
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