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adrienne's user avatar
adrienne's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
40 votes

List of Resources for EE developers and users?

13 votes

Custom plugins vs query tags: advantages and implementation

13 votes

Are PDFs still an XSS problem with EE uploads?

8 votes

Compatibility / Performance Gains from using MariaDB?

7 votes

What are current realistic, designer-suitable solutions for converting an EE1 site's image galleries to EE2?

6 votes

Strange issue with expressionengine and store on a Shared Hosting (OVH)

6 votes

How to add .html to URL's

5 votes

Channel Entries - possible to search relationship field?

5 votes

Configure WYGWAM to use fonts from Typekit?

5 votes

Responsive Images solution with native EE and/or Addons

3 votes

Allowing users to mark any entry on the site as a feature

3 votes

What is parse order and how does it affect how my template is coded/rendered?

3 votes

fieldtype development advice

2 votes

I need more than 10 segments

2 votes

What is a client-friendly way to handle multi-part forms with workflow?

2 votes

Is there a way to have "global" Channel fields or liberate a set of fields to multiple Channels?

2 votes

Copy Data from exp_channel_titles Based on entry_id

1 vote

Building photo-sites with EE

1 vote

Can't login to CP after logging out

0 votes

Please help me debug this 2.7.3 Upgrade. TypeError: d.ee_focus is not a function

0 votes

How to get file upload paths that use Windows UNC format working

0 votes

MSM, Error 500 and Custom Config