I want to show future events based on today.

I currently have 3 dummy events in my system, 1 past, 1 today, 1 future. When I run the code below no events show up:

{exp:calendar:events event_limit="3" status="open" date_range_start="today" orderby="event_start_date" sort="asc"}

If I take out the parameter:


Then all appear.

I'm running the same query for past events using:


This is working fine.

2 Answers 2


The tag you're very likely looking for is {exp:calendar:cal}, not {exp:calendar:events}. This is almost always the tag to use when displaying upcoming/future events (or past events, or events within a specific timeframe) is the goal.

{exp:calendar:cal} is the only tag that creates a truly chronological list of events and respects the time/date window set in date_range_start="" and date_range_end="" (i.e. it looks for events/occurrences within the set timeframe).

(Note: add pad_short_weeks="n" as well to {exp:calendar:cal} to avoid it from adding extra days in your timeframe to complete a calendar "week row")

The following documentation page, which explains in more details why/when each of the main Calendar tags are used, is a strongly recommended read: http://www.solspace.com/docs/calendar/getting_started/

  • Hi, thanks for your response. I updated my "upcoming events" code to use cal which is now working, thank you. However when I add the parameter pad_short_weeks="n" it fails to return any results so I have removed this. Secondly I don't see a way of ordering results, does this mean that the results are automatically chronological? Thirdly if I use cal for the "past events" it returns future events, I'm updating the parameters to provide only a date_range_end="today". I presume this means cal is only used to retrieve future events ??
    – KoalaKid
    Commented Feb 24, 2014 at 21:08

If you look at the events documentation. Notice how the date range end parameter. Defaults to today. You just need to specify a date range end for the events tag to be used this way.

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