I can't seem to find a hook for when a member updates their password. I am using EE v3.5.4 and just using the built in member templates. I am sure on existing but I can't seem to find it. Anyone know what it is?

1 Answer 1


These what you are after? It appears these are planned for conversion to services down the road. But should still work now.



  • Those hooks are fired if the password is updated by the admin in the control panel but they do not seem to be fired when the user updates their own password.
    – Trevor Orr
    Commented Apr 12, 2017 at 21:06
  • Just heard from Expression Engine support that there is no hook on the front end when a user updates their own password. :(
    – Trevor Orr
    Commented Apr 13, 2017 at 16:20

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