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Accessing 'Calendar' field types with the channel:entries tag

I'm trying to make an all-in-one feed for the home page of a site that would pull together all the latest entries (whether they be blog posts, events etc.) So I've got a entries loop that goes like ...
Nick Cappo's user avatar
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Date math using segments

I need to take {segment_n} where the segment is either a Month, Day, or Year value and add values to it. For example, I need to be able to add values like so: {embed="calendar/landing" month_start="{...
adamellsworth's user avatar
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How can I check to see if today is a holiday with Solspace calendar?

I've used Solspace Calendar to create an "Office Holidays" calendar where we enter all of the dates/times we're closed for the holidays. The idea is to let visitors know if we're open for calls or not....
Brandon Durham's user avatar