I'm looking for a simple search of the cart contents. If a specific item I am looking for is already in cart (which I can simply define by the entry ID since the products are entries), I want to change the price applied in my add_to_cart form on the page to 0 (instead of the product's "usual" price). How can I do this? I don't think i want to do it with the cart_items_info tags from CartThrob - they have much more to them than I suspect I need.
So I'm aiming for something like this:
{if cart_contains_item_a OR cart_contains_item_b OR cart_contains_item_c}
{exp:cartthrob:add_to_cart_form return="" entry_id="{entry_id}" price="0.00"}
<input type="submit" class="button" value="Add" />
{exp:cartthrob:add_to_cart_form return="" entry_id="{entry_id}" price="{cf_prod_price}"}
<input type="submit" class="button" value="Add" />
I'm just looking for guidance on the simplest way to determine what to include in the conditional.