ExpressionEngine includes a feature that allows to automatically split a single channel entry/article across multiple pages. how can i do this?
hi this is my code : here am using one field for pull out the entire news that is {news text} ;i hav only one field .. for entire news... is this correct or required another fields..summery ,body ,extended etc
{exp:channel:entries category_group="32" orderby="date" sort="desc" limit="1" paginate_type="field" paginate="bottom" }
<div class="anw-readmorenewstitle">{title}</div>
<div class="anw-readmorenewswriter"> {news_writer}</div>
<div class="anw-readmorenewsimage"><img class="addthis_shareable" src="{news_image_1:anw-readsection}" addthis:title="{title}" border="0"></div>
<div class="anw-readmorenewsimagecaption">{news_image_1_caption}</div>
<div class="anw-readmorenewstext">{news_text}
{multi_field="page1|page2| page3"}
Last updated on {edit_date format='%M %d, %Y'} at
{edit_date format='%h:%i %A'}<br />
<p>Page {current_page} of {total_pages} pages for this article
This is one of my detailed news page .. a long articles.. I want to split this content into different pages..
"pagination_base" this tag is required or not ?