Can EE multiple relationship fields be displayed nested? I'm not able to get this working, and it's not clear from the Relationships docs page if it's supposed to.

Say I have 3 channels -- bands, albums and songs -- and my relationship fields are top-down rather than bottom-up, ie, bands have a multiple relationship field of albums, and albums have a multiple relationship field of songs. I want to display a list of bands, and within each band its albums, and within each album its songs. In the following example, songs do not appear:

    {exp:channel:entries channel="bands"}

I can get a single song from each album to appear by removing the inner loop:

    {exp:channel:entries channel="bands"}

But I need all the songs.

  • On the innermost tag, have you tried it as {albums_songs:title} instead of {bands_albums:albums_songs:title} ? Commented Oct 24, 2014 at 12:49
  • Thanks for the suggestion. Just tried it and it doesn't do anything. Has it worked for you?
    – Adam Khan
    Commented Oct 25, 2014 at 21:31

2 Answers 2


Off the top of my head, I think I've done this successfully before... Maybe try using the parents or children tag in conjunction with a channel parameter like this:

  {exp:channel:entries channel="bands"}
                {bands_albums:parents channel="songs"}

Yes, they should be nestable. I have the following code working - all the relationships are within one channel. I built it as a way to see if relationships could be used intra-channel to build navigation:

<h2>The Family Tree from the Top Down </h2>
{exp:channel:entries channel="people" disable="member_data|pagination|categories"}

  {if count==1} {!-- start the top-level unordered list --}

    {parents field="offspring"}
        {if parents:no_results} {!-- entries with no parents are top-level --}
              {offspring} {!-- second level entries --}

                {if offspring:count == 1}<ul>{/if} {!-- open the second-level unordered list --}

                      {offspring:offspring} {!-- third level entries --}

                        {if offspring:offspring:count == 1}
                          <ul> {!-- open 3rd level list --}


                        {if offspring:offspring:count==offspring:offspring:total_results}
                          </ul> {!-- close third-level list --}


                {if offspring:count==offspring:total_results}
                  </ul> {!-- close second-level list --}


    {if count==total_results}
      </ul> {!-- close top-level list --}

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