I need to send an email notification to an specific address after channel form is submited.. The email address depend on the selection of a field in the form.. I know there's might be a hook for that but i don't know how to use it..
After many trial and error (as i'm not a real programmer).. i finally found something that works.. For all the newbies like me.. you need to have an addon.setup.php file and a ext.YOUR-THING.php as explain in the main doc https://docs.expressionengine.com/latest/development/addon_setup_php_file.html and https://docs.expressionengine.com/latest/development/extensions.html.. Then my main script inside my extension file..
function channel_form_submit_entry_end( $cf ) {
ee()->load->library( 'email' );
$var = ee()->input->post( 'YOUR-POST-INPUT-NAME', TRUE );
if ( $var == '123' ) {
$recipient = '[email protected]';
} else {
$recipient = '[email protected]';
ee()->load->library( 'email' );
ee()->load->helper( 'text' );
ee()->email->wordwrap = true;
ee()->email->mailtype = 'text';
ee()->email->from( '[email protected]' );
ee()->email->to( $recipient );
ee()->email->subject( 'YOUR SUBJECT' );
ee()->email->message( entities_to_ascii( 'YOUR BODY MESSAGE' ) );
I know it may not be the cleanest script by it works!.. If someone wish to clean this.. please feel free!
There is a hook. Find details here:
All you have to do this is to create an extension file. Initialize email library. You can find fields data in 'parameter you passed in function' or in POST.