I've created two separate Structure entries, both using the Page template below with Relationship entries. It works fine if I only want one page, but I've made a second page to pull different Relationship entries for each page, but now it's just pulling the same relationship entries for both pages. I tried using entry_id="{entry_id} in the {exp:channel:entries} on the recipe_ajax/index template and that didn't work...only works when I explicitly write the id.

Is there another way to parse the ajax template so that I can use the dynamic entry_id="{entry_id} to pull correct entries? Or am I missing something completely obvious?

Here's my Page template:


{exp:stash:set parse_tags="yes"}

    {exp:channel:entries cache="no" refresh="60" disable="category_fields|member_data|pagination"}


            <div class="recipes-section add">
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="row">
                        <div class="col-xs-12">
                            <div class="article-holder row" id="container">
                                {recipes_landing_recipes limit="15"}
                                    <div class="grid-item article col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 all {recipes_landing_recipes:categories}{exp:streeng slug='yes'}{category_name} {/exp:streeng} {/recipes_landing_recipes:categories}">
                                        <a href="{route='recipes/recipe_detail' title='{recipes_landing_recipes:url_title}'}">
                                            <div class="img-holder">
                                                <img src="{if recipes_landing_recipes:recipe_featured_image}{recipes_landing_recipes:recipe_featured_image}{if:else}/assets/images/bsl-placeholder.jpg{/if}
                                                " height="366" width="342" alt="{recipes_landing_recipes:title}">
                                            <strong class="title">{recipes_landing_recipes:title}</strong>
                            <a class="btn btn-danger btn-load" href="{path='recipe_ajax/index'}" style="display: none;">view more</a>




And here's the recipe_ajax/index template:

{exp:channel:entries channel="recipes_landing" cache="no" refresh="60" disable="categories|category_fields|member_data|pagination}
    <div class="post-section">
        {recipes_landing_recipes offset="15"}
            <div class="grid-item article col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 all {recipes_landing_recipes:categories}{exp:streeng slug='yes'}{category_name} {/exp:streeng} {/recipes_landing_recipes:categories}">
                <a href="{route='recipes/recipe_detail' title='{recipes_landing_recipes:url_title}'}">
                    <div class="img-holder">
                        <img src="{if recipes_landing_recipes:recipe_featured_image}{recipes_landing_recipes:recipe_featured_image}{if:else}/assets/images/bsl-placeholder.jpg{/if}" height="366" width="342" alt="{recipes_landing_recipes:title}">
                    <strong class="title">{recipes_landing_recipes:title} {recipes_landing_recipes:entry_id}</strong>


I was able to resolve by calling the entry_id_path in the Page template {entry_id_path='recipe_ajax/index'} and referencing this path in the ajax file like so entry_id_path="{entry_id_path}

  • Are you trying to load more related entries from the parent entry or something else? Commented Apr 28, 2017 at 10:19
  • Since I was using the same page template without referencing the entry_id in the ajax file, it was just pulling all the entries no matter what relationship entries were selected. I resolved issue and included my answer above.
    – frshjb373
    Commented Apr 28, 2017 at 15:46

1 Answer 1


Not sure what you are actually trying to do.

If I understand it all, it seems your link is emulating a pagination link - so the link will open a view of the next block of results from {recipes_landing_recipes} results. If so, perhaps you could just make use of EE's pagination features to do this. Would be less complicated I think.

I think you are complicating this by using {stash} but since you are, you could perhaps just dump out all the recipes into stash once and then pull them from there when you need them.


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