We have a channel with events in it, and are utilizing Low Events. The design calls for a list of events, with Month Year as a heading, such as this:
January 2014
- Event 1 Details
- Event 2 Details
February 2014
- Event 3 Details
- Event 4 Details
... and so on.
I suspect I need to compare the month/year of entry i with that of entry i-1; if they're not the same, display the month/year of entry i. What's the best way of doing that?
It looks like EE has a native tag pair for handling this, {date_heading display="monthly"}, but that appears to be based on the entry_date, and not the value of my Low Events field. It appears that Low Events has the ability to sync the date of the events field with the entry_date, but would prefer to keep them unrelated if possible.