I am trying to expand some code suppled by Mark Croxton in another thread to create a list of Matrix results from a related entry but without success. This is with Stash 2.3.5 on ExpressionEngine 2.5.3.
Here is my SET code from my main template:
{exp:stash:set_list name="landing_slideshow" parse_tags="yes" parse_depth="2"}
{exp:channel:entries channel="slideshow" sort="date" dynamic="no" disable="member_data|pagination" parse="inward"}
{exp:stash:set_list:nested name="lb_slideshow_credits_{entry_id}" parse_tags="yes"}
{related_entries id="related_work_project"}
And here is the GET code I have in an embeded template:
{exp:stash:get_list name="landing_slideshow"}
<ul class="normal">
{exp:stash:get_list:nested name="lb_slideshow_credits_{entry_id}"}
<li><span class="">{lp_slideshow_position} | </span> {lp_slideshow_person}</li>
The Stashed values set outside the {related_entries} loop — {stash_entry_id}, {title} and {landing_slideshow_image} are all displaying as expected. Nothing in the {related_entries} loop is displaying or appears to be stashed.
Does using related entries change things enough that answers in the other thread aren't applicable?