I have a simple Safecracker form with email, password and password confirm fields.
I tried filling up the forms with the a password less then 5 characters. When I submitted, I get this error
The password you submitted must be at least 5 characters long
in field errors.
My question is that, isn't this supposed to be an inline error? If it is not, how do access it in {field_errors}? I want it to show as an inline error near the field.
P.S. Here is my code, truncated to relevant parts.
{exp:safecracker channel="members" class="form-horizontal" dynamic_title="[email]" error_handling="inline" include_jquery="no" register_member="yes" return="/sign-up/" safecracker_head="no"}
{if global_errors:count > 0}
<div class="errors group tencol">
<h3>General Errors</h3>
<ul class="bullets">
{if field_errors:count > 0}
<div class="errors group tencol">
<h3>Form Errors</h3>
<ul class="bullets">
<input type="password" name="password" value="{if post:password}{post:password}{/if}" id="password">
{if error:password != ''}
<span class="help-inline">{error:password}</span>