I have a list that builds based on the URL segment. Sometimes there no entries for the segment and need to display "no results". I have tried several varations on this and nothing seems to work.

Any suggestions are greatly appriciated, thanks for looking.

I have tried to take this another direction and am tying to use {if no_parents} … {/if} variable.

However written like this it only shows up when there are results not when there is no results. Here is what my code looks like now



        {if no_parents} no parent content {/if} 

        <!-- label -->  
        {if count == '1'} 
         <h4 class="f400m"><strong>{child:title}</strong></h4>  <!-- The title-->

            <h4><a href="{my_var:url_title}">{my_var:title}</a></h4>


Earlier I tried this and what Jason suggested i also could not get to work.



{if no_results}  <p>There are no entries available.</p>  {/if}

     {if count == '1'} 

       <h4><a href="{url_title}">{title}</a></h4>

  • Did you try my variation below? Commented Jan 22, 2015 at 5:18
  • Yes I did and it does not display the message and breaks my {if count == '1'}<h4><a href="{url_title}">{title}</a></h4>{/if}. Now I needed add the var_prefix anyway and have been busy trying to get the original child to work for that purpose. It was recommended I use {if no_parents} by Anris but I can't get that to work either.
    – Eric
    Commented Jan 22, 2015 at 21:55
  • You'll have to prefix the subsequent tags as well… {if my_var:count =='1'} Code updated below. Commented Jan 23, 2015 at 0:10
  • Does not work, then no title label shows up at all. Tried a couple of variations. There has to be some way to get this work. Thanks for looking, anything else you might have is greatly appreciated!
    – Eric
    Commented Jan 23, 2015 at 18:16

1 Answer 1


The if no_results is actually referencing the outer exp:channel:entries tag - basically an EE parse order issue.

To test inside playa, you need to use the var_prefix parameter... as in:

{exp:playa:parents var_prefix="my_var"}
{if my_var:no_results}
    //no results behaviour here
{if my_var:count == '1'} 
     <h4 class="f400m"><strong>{child:title}</strong></h4>  <!-- The Str Discipline title-->

The docs: https://docs.pixelandtonic.com/playa/templating/module/parents.html

  • Or as a simplier solution, just make sure you also have {if no_results}no entry to display {/if} for channel entries tag. Commented Jan 23, 2015 at 10:11

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