I have an Event entry which can has one child Location entry. The Location entry has two fields: Title and Floor. Sometimes floor is empty so I'm doing this in my template to see if there's a floor entered:

  {if event_location:floor}
    , {event_location:floor}

...and it's not working. Title always shows up and Floor never does unless I take off the conditional, which I don't want to do because I don't want a comma followed by nothing when there's no floor. Any ideas?

  • Welcome to ExpressionEngine Answers huertanix! FYI : It's good form to mark the answer so others can find it, if you get a chance Wes's answer is bang on :)
    – Blatant
    Commented May 1, 2015 at 11:34
  • It's important to me that I verify that a solution works before I mark it as answered so that I don't mislead anyone with the same problem hoping this is a solution. Since the upgrade failed, I'll try doing surgery on core libraries as suggested and mark it as answered if it works.
    – huertanix
    Commented May 5, 2015 at 23:08

2 Answers 2


What version are you using? We fixed this problem in 2.9.3, though you can apply the solution if you'd rather not update.

Open system/expressionengine/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Preparser.php and find the _find_modified_conditionals() method around line 374, and replace it with this:

public function _find_modified_conditionals()
    $prefix = $this->_prefix;
    $unfiltered_all_field_names = array();
    $all_field_names = array();

    if (strpos($this->_tagdata, LD.'if') === FALSE)
        return array();

    foreach($this->_channel->cfields as $site_id => $fields)
        $unfiltered_all_field_names = array_unique(array_merge($unfiltered_all_field_names, $fields));

    // Do a rough cut to slim down the number of fields
    // else the string can be too long for the preg_match_all
    foreach (array_keys($unfiltered_all_field_names) as $name)
        if (strpos($this->_tagdata, $name) !== FALSE)
            $all_field_names[] = $name;

    $modified_field_options = $prefix.implode('|'.$prefix, $all_field_names);
    $modified_conditionals = array();

    if (preg_match_all("/".preg_quote(LD)."((if:(else))*if)\s+(($modified_field_options):(\w+))(.*?)".preg_quote(RD)."/s", $this->_tagdata, $matches))
        foreach($matches[5] as $match_key => $field_name)
            $modified_conditionals[$field_name][] = $matches[6][$match_key];

    return array_map('array_unique', $modified_conditionals);
  • Ah, looks like I'm just one point behind at v. 2.9.2. I'll try upgrading and mark as answered if that works.
    – huertanix
    Commented May 4, 2015 at 0:20
  • Just spent the day upgrading to 2.10.1. No change.
    – huertanix
    Commented May 5, 2015 at 23:06
  • Looks like the code function is identical to what 2.10.1 has, so the problem must be elsewhere.
    – huertanix
    Commented May 5, 2015 at 23:36

I've found the right syntax to use from looking at this question: Conditionally display a field from a related entry if it's not empty (native relationships field). Basically, the field needs to be compared against an empty string as so:

  {if '{event_location:floor}' != ""}
    , {event_location:floor}

Not remotely elegant, but this did the trick.

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