Has anyone worked out how to get the Grid field in EE3 to follow the 'column width' parameters? I have a Grid 'row' that has a WYSIWYG field and I can't work out how to keep it from collapsing down - see attached image. Thanks in advance!
2 Answers
The "column width" parameters does not seems to be used for now.. What i did is modify themes/ee/cp/css/common.min.css
Because my screeen is 1920px wide.. i change the max-width of .col-group to 1500px.. at least i see more!..
i commented the .grid-input-form th {/* min-width:220px*/}
Hope it will help!
Thanks for your input - we ended up hacking the CP CSS too, but it's far from ideal. Guess it's the best we got for now :( Commented May 1, 2017 at 18:01
1This has been fixed now in 3.5.7: twitter.com/EllisLab/status/865281110665830400 Commented May 19, 2017 at 8:25
For whatever reason the option to set columns widths is not observed. I recall EL claiming it was necessary for the CP to be responsive in ee3. I find that ridiculous as it is easy enough to implement a mobile and desktop view with min/max widths, media queries and maybe a little JS. We all do it everywhere, all the time.