LS I would like to add a csv file to the order confirmation email containing fields from the order.

Like so:

Header: Type verzending ; Familienaam ; Adres 1 ;land ; Postcode ; Woonplaats ; Vooraanmeldingstype 1 ; Contactgegevens 1 ; Proactive rule 1 ; Pro-active taalinstelling 1

Rule: NCP,PRO;None;Test;NL;3145ER;Woerden;email;[email protected];1;NL

• Type verzending: always "NCP,PRO" • Familienaam: {shipping_name} • Adres 1: {shipping_address1} • Land: {shipping_country} • Postcode: {shipping_postcode} • Woonplaats {shipping_city} • Vooraanmeldingstype 1: always "email" • Contactgegevens 1: {order_email} • Proactive rule 1: always "1" • Pro-active taalinstelling 1 : always "NL"

Is there anyway to add this as CSV file (or txt) as an attachment to the confirmation email?

  • I think it would be easier to include a link to a CSV file rather than attach it.
    – Kokako
    Commented Jul 19, 2017 at 11:39
  • it needs to contain order specific data in order to print a distribution label
    – Bart
    Commented Jul 20, 2017 at 0:56
  • yes i can see that but all you have to do is create a template that generates the CSV and in your email, you set a link to that template that contains the order ID number. Then the template pulls that order info and generates a CSV that you can force to download. I've not used expresso-store but if the data is stored in EE you can do this. I know you can do it with CartThrob.
    – Kokako
    Commented Jul 20, 2017 at 1:01
  • I think you just solved a headbreaker here thank you so much i will let you know if this solves my issue, thx!!
    – Bart
    Commented Jul 20, 2017 at 1:05
  • but wait, how do i make the template "be a csv file"?
    – Bart
    Commented Jul 20, 2017 at 1:07

1 Answer 1


I think it would be easier to include a link to a CSV file rather than attach it.

All you have to do is create a template that generates the CSV and in your email, you set a link to that template that contains the order ID number. Then the template pulls that order info and generates a CSV that you can force to download. I've not used expresso-store but if the data is stored in EE you can do this. I know you can do it with CartThrob.

to generate the CSV you can use http_header component then you template looks something like this:

{exp:http_header content_disposition="attachment" content_type="text/csv" filename="{current_time format="%y_%m_%d"}-members.csv"}ID,Status,Last name,First name,Email,Last Payment,Join Date {exp:user:users orderby="total_entries" sort="desc" dynamic_parameters="no" limit="500" }{member_id},{if group_id == 4}Pending,{/if}{if group_id == 6}BO Member,{/if}{if group_id == 7}Expired,{/if}{if group_id == 8}Content Admin,{/if}{if group_id == 9}Order Admin,{/if}{if group_id == 1}Admin,{/if}{if group_id == 5}Expired,{/if}{if group_id == 10}Member Admin,{/if}{last_name},{first_name},{email},{payment},{join_date format="%m/%d/%y"} {/exp:user:users}

  • completely agree. Its the same principle as having a download invoice link. I'll add that if you want to render the CSV links unreadable, you can store a hash value with your order ( in a custom field) and use that hash id to pull the info you need.
    – pixldev
    Commented Jul 21, 2017 at 0:57

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