LS I would like to add a csv file to the order confirmation email containing fields from the order.
Like so:
Header: Type verzending ; Familienaam ; Adres 1 ;land ; Postcode ; Woonplaats ; Vooraanmeldingstype 1 ; Contactgegevens 1 ; Proactive rule 1 ; Pro-active taalinstelling 1
Rule: NCP,PRO;None;Test;NL;3145ER;Woerden;email;[email protected];1;NL
• Type verzending: always "NCP,PRO" • Familienaam: {shipping_name} • Adres 1: {shipping_address1} • Land: {shipping_country} • Postcode: {shipping_postcode} • Woonplaats {shipping_city} • Vooraanmeldingstype 1: always "email" • Contactgegevens 1: {order_email} • Proactive rule 1: always "1" • Pro-active taalinstelling 1 : always "NL"
Is there anyway to add this as CSV file (or txt) as an attachment to the confirmation email?