I am building a web portal to display a list of servers and their designated applications in an HTML table. The channel I am using for the parent is called 'servers'. Inside this channel, I have a field called 'server_application' with a type Relationship that is pulling the options from another channel called 'system'. The field in that channel I am looking to grab is called 'system_short_name' and will be ultimately what I want to show on the webpage. How do I query for this? Are there parent IDs that I need to match in a SELECT statement? Below is a snippet of the HTML I am using to display the data. The table row that reads {server_application} is where the issue is. It does not know where I am trying to grab that field entry from.
{exp:channel:entries channel="servers"}
<td><a href="{url_title_path='site/server_detail'}">{title}</a></td>
<td>{server_deployment_date format="%M %j %Y"}</td>