When I am logged in as super admin then the channel form works (inserting the new entries to the channel) but when I am logged in as a normal user(members group user or guest user) then it does not work. I have changed lots of settings of members but this not working.
Form: {exp:channel:form channel="wedding" return="site/ENTRY_ID" json="yes" class="form account-form" include_assets="no" include_jquery="no"}
when I am submitting the form it shows refreshes the page not saving data into the channel when set the redirect link. if json="yes" shows this message
{exp:channel:form channel="wedding" return="site/ENTRY_ID" json="yes" class="form account-form" include_assets="no" include_jquery="no"}
but when I am submitting the form it refreshes the page not saving data into the channel.