I'm using EE 7.3.9 have 2 channels related via a relationship field, and I would like to create a page showing all the entries in channel 1 (the parent) that have in common the same field in the channel 2 (the child).
So I created a list with
{exp:channel:entries channel="channel2" url_title="{segment_2}" limit="1"}
{parents field="relationship_field" limit="4" paginate="bottom"}
<p>Page {current_page} of {total_pages} pages {pagination_links}</p>
It shows the first 4 entries that have that particular field in {segment_2}, but the pagination doesn't show.
I also tried to achieve the same result in the other way, accessing via the parent field
{exp:channel:entries channel="channel1" search:relationship_field="{segment_2}" limit="4" paginate="bottom"}
but it doesn't show anything, and in the documentation there is this statement
"Relationship fields cannot be searched using the search parameter".
So, how can I achieve the goal to show all the entries that have in common a particular relationship field AND the pagination?
Thank you in advance for your answer.