I'm using Expresso Store and getting an error message: Error calculating shipping: No rules match the current cart. Have read the documentation, couldn't find any answers there. Do I have to link the products to the shipping in some way, or is there something I'm missing out on?
I'm having the problem with a live site and trying to fix this before I put the store live. I've set up a copy of ExpressionEngine with Store 1.6.1 on my local machine to play around with, but I'm getting the same error.
I've created a Products Channel and linked it to a Channel Field using the Store Product Details Field type. This is what I get when I go to Content > Publish > Products:
I've set up a dummy product as an example.
Then I'm going to Store > Settings > Shipping Methods.
I've created a Method called Weight and set a rule as shown here:
But unfortunately, I'm getting the above error message.
It's probable something silly I've done, or something small I've missed.
Edit: Screenshots: