I am creating a dropdown menu for a mailing list sign up form for an events company. I would like to give people the option to select a city where the company has had an event in the past or where there will be an upcoming event. To do this, I'm calling all of the event entries and displaying their cities in the dropdown. However, sometimes the company has had events multiple times in one city. How can I remove the duplicates? I have found some answers to questions similar to this where the solution uses php, however I'm having trouble getting that to work in my specific instance. Here is my code for the select dropdown menu:
<select id="MERGE1" name="MERGE1">
<!--innitial display field is blank-->
<option value="" selected></option>
<!--values show in dropdown--->
{exp:channel:entries channel="events" status="next event|open|closed" show_future_entries="yes" show_expired="yes"}
<option value="{event_city}">{event_city}</option>
using an expression engine query solved the innitial problem. however, now i'd like to show cities that appear in 2 different fields and two different channel ID's. Here's what I'm working with so far, which is stripping out the duplicated within the channel ID's but still showing duplicates across multiple channel ID's:
<select id="MERGE1" name="MERGE1">
<option value="" selected></option>
{exp:query sql="SELECT exp_channel_data.field_id_1 AS event_city, exp_channel_data.field_id_202 AS event_city2 FROM exp_channel_data
INNER JOIN exp_channel_titles ON exp_channel_data.entry_id=exp_channel_titles.entry_id
WHERE ( exp_channel_titles.channel_id=1 OR exp_channel_titles.channel_id=29 ) AND (exp_channel_titles.status='next event' OR exp_channel_titles.status='open' OR exp_channel_titles.status='closed') GROUP BY exp_channel_data.field_id_1, exp_channel_data.field_id_202"}
{if event_city != ''}
<option value="{event_city}">{event_city}</option>
<option value="{event_city2}">{event_city2}</option>