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Help with ChannelEntry Model Service to get/set data directly in the database

To retrieve data from a specific custom_field in a channel entry I used to do the following: $data = ee()->db->select('field_id_2') ->from('exp_channel_data') ->where(array( ...
laurent's user avatar
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Custom Field Type - Data is not being saved

I'm creating a custom field type. But the data isn't being saved to the database. There are several values that are being combined into a string, divided by a pipe character. I've checked the save() ...
Diederik's user avatar
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Adding new channel fields takes 5 minutes

I work with an EE website that has 293 custom fields, and 125k entries. Nowadays, whenever I am adding a new channel field, it takes between 4 and 5 minutes to complete the task! Also, it can take up ...
Gary Reckard's user avatar
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add new channel fields for existing site

I´ve a site with a channel, this channel has a channel field group with 2 fields. So far, so standard. My problem: I know exactly, that after some time when the site evolves I´ll ned more channel ...
awa's user avatar
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SQL Query to write member username to custom channel field

Can anyone help with the syntax to write ALL members 'Usernames' in a particular member Group to a custom_field in a channel. Each member would have one entry each in this channel and I need to pull ...
Micky Kelleher's user avatar
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Quick way to get user's signature in PHP

I'm just wondering if there is a quick way to get a user's signature using something like the session class? For example to grab the active user's email from the session class you can simply call $...
Conor Higgins's user avatar
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Should the channel data table have so many columns?

I have noticed that each custom field takes up 2 columns in the channel data table. The second column often seems to have little value. Existing columns do not seem to be recycled for new channel ...
Lea Hayes's user avatar
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Computing word, image, video and audio file counts in a scalable way?

I am attempting to gather as much interesting metadata as possible to display for readers of an EE site I'm developing and am looking for guidance on methods (or indeed the feasibility) of computing ...
Jmorriso's user avatar
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