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Add new Channel ID access to multiple member groups via SQL Query

I have created a new channel (in this case ID#32) on an existing EE site install, and I need to assign it to 270 existing member groups. Rather than clicking into every single member group and ...
Karl Bowers's user avatar
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ExpressionEngine 3 module: create custom member field programmatically

I'm creating a custom member field programmatically. This works fine, except that I want the database column to be dynamic based on what's already in the database. In my code below, the ...
user3478148's user avatar
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Limiting query module results by member group_id

I am trying to limit the following query by the member's group id, but having some difficulty with the join statement. This query works fine: {exp:query sql="SELECT count(*) as member_count, ...
oliverb's user avatar
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SQL Query to write member username to custom channel field

Can anyone help with the syntax to write ALL members 'Usernames' in a particular member Group to a custom_field in a channel. Each member would have one entry each in this channel and I need to pull ...
Micky Kelleher's user avatar
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Show a combined Solspace User and native Member entry count?

I have an existing DB with entries that have been assigned to authors via the native Members module as well as Solspace's User module. Unfortunately, the User module doesn't take into account entries ...
Tim's user avatar
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How can I use the current logged in member ID in a custom query using the query module?

I have a query that I need to do that involves using the logged in member ID to limit the results. The following does not work, because the {member_id} variable is not parsed early enough. {exp:...
Ben Parizek's user avatar