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What's the field for the main content for XML export?

I found this snippet of XML code ( that has everything set up for the XML export of one of my client's old site....
Tam N.'s user avatar
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How to send soap request

I need to send a soap requests to an external website but keep on getting “Failed to load resource: Origin xxx is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin” and “XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://...
Ralph's user avatar
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2 votes
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XML children with parameters import

I'm using Solspace Importer to create channel entries from external XML. It works fine but only with first title/description element (lang="es"). How can I grab data from (lang="en") children? My ...
demetrius's user avatar
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XMLHttpRequest 200 OK but returning a Snippet instead of the appropriate XML

We've been having some trouble with getting XML from our server. It returns 200 STATUS OK but, like the title notes, it's not returning the XML that we pointed it to but instead is giving back a ...
adamellsworth's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Inserting entries from remote posted XML

I'm trying to post/update/delete entries in a channel by posting XML to a URL. I've created a module with an action URL that does the processing and uses the Channel Entries API to manage the entries ...
Tom's user avatar
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