Using EE 2.7.0 and Importer 2.2.3 and trying to set up a members import. The csv has been saved out of open office as a utf-8 " enclosed and comma-delimited.
I have 3 lines to test this with, using the first lines as headings.
On import, it recognizes my file, then does the import 'successfully'. However, nothing gets entered into the members group I have designated. I have checked to make sure the group is unlocked, and that my file is formatted correctly. It tells me it runs correctly, but nothing happens to the fields.
2013-10-14 18:50 Start Time: Run Time: 0.024 seconds Import Location: Control Panel Number of Queries: 10 Member Inserted: 0 Members Updated: 0 Total Members Processed: 0 Member IDs: End Time: 6134-10-15 18:50 * Press the ESC key to close window.
Incidentally, I ran this on the full sheet of 700+, and it noticed I had batche processing and said it did the amount on my sheet, but again, nothing went in.
Any ideas?