this may be a dumb question im slightly new to EE and have read the docs for Solspace rating plugin. Basically I have a ratings for trainers. But the avatar being displayed is of the user id that i am on the {name} is fine is displaying the right name for this rating just the avatar is the same for all..

here is my code




    {if screen_name}

    {if avatar}
    <img src="{avatar_url}" width="{avatar_width}" height="{avatar_height}"  />

    {if rating_no_results}
        <p>Sorry, no ratings have been submitted for this entry yet.</p>

  • 1
    Hi , I don't know if this related with your problem but I don't see a closed tag for {if screen_name} add it and check if your code works, and check the users avatars in your CMS to be sure it's difference.
    – Ahmad Saad
    Commented Mar 13, 2014 at 15:57

1 Answer 1


What you have is correct (unless you're missing the closing {/if} for the screen name check like Ahmad pointed out). However, I am assuming you have this Rating:Entries tag placed inside a Channel:Entries loop, within the same template?

If so, what's happening is that variables between the 2 tags are colliding, and you'll need to use an embed instead:

Main template:

{exp:channel:entries ...stuff... }
    {embed="path_to/embed_template" entry_id="{entry_id}"}

Embedded template:

    {if avatar}
    <img src="{avatar_url}" width="{avatar_width}" height="{avatar_height}"  />
    {if rating_no_results}
        <p>Sorry, no ratings have been submitted for this entry yet.</p>
  • That worked perfectly but now iv made it a bit tricky, I want to use my own custom fieldtype in my channel, how can I pull the images in this case? Commented Mar 19, 2014 at 23:52
  • Not sure what you mean. You want to use a custom field in {exp:channel:entries}? It should be as simple as calling its name, eg. {my_custom_channel_field}. For EE File Upload fields, you might want to read this documentation to display uploaded files/images in a channel entry: ellislab.com/expressionengine/user-guide/add-ons/channel/…
    – Solspace
    Commented Mar 20, 2014 at 5:48

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