I have a strange issue, that I am hoping is something simple, and I'm just missing it.
I have two channels, that have different sets of categories.
In my first channel, I display what child cat it is in via GWcode categories.
{exp:gwcode_categories style="linear" last_only="yes" channel="walks" entry_id="{entry_id}"}
<span class="location"><i class="icon-location"></i> <a href="{path='walks/category/{cat_url_title}'}">{cat_name}</a></span>
This gives me the Url of domain.com/walks/category/categoryname
Then I have a template via Switchee, that displays these entries in this category. It uses segment 2 as the case value {category) and then displays the following channel entries tag.
{exp:channel:entries channel="walks" status="open|new" disable="member_data|category_fields" show_expired="yes" paginate="bottom" limit="10"}
{if switchee_no_results}
<p>Sorry, no results!</p>
Now, as I said this displays all the entries that are listed within that category, however when I perform nearly exactly the same thing on another channel, "news", it displays every single entry, regardless as to whats in the URL.
Am I doing something wrong here? Whats the preferred way to showing a list of entries that belong to a certain child category?