I've tried setting up an image gallery using CE Img and the new Grid fieldtype but it's giving white screens. The code looks like:
<li class="item">
{exp:ce_img:pair src="{image_gallery:image_file}" width="300"}
<a href="{image_gallery:image_file}" class="img-fb" rel="gallery">
<img src="{made}">
I've found that the same code works fine in the standard content entries, but not in the blog channel.
I've tried stripping out all the other template code apart from the above code inside a minimal channel entries tag pair, but it still gives white pages with no HTML in it. I've tried on local and development servers. I've tested the CE Img is working on other images and it is fine. I've tried switching to Matrix instead of Grid, but still breaks (altho also breaks in content channel too now) I've also tried the {exp:ce_img:single} tag and it still breaks.
What does work: I've tried the Grid code with and it's fine. I've tried the Grid code, with the exp:ce_img:single tag but without specifying the width or height and it does work. As soon as I specify a width/height in the ce_img tag it breaks.
The above code snippet, without the width="300" works fine.
So what could be causing the page to break, simply by specifying the width or height of the image?
(Running EE 2.7.2 build 20131008 and CE Img 2.4.4)