I am using search tag for express engine channel but it is not working.

for eg. I have created a channel named as 'XYZ' and having following channel fields there :

1) user_type : text

2) profile : grid a) first_name : text b) last_name : text c) user_name : text d) age : text

Now i want to show user listing for a entry which age is greater than 20 and less than 40. i have used following code :

{exp:channel:entries channel="xyz" entry_id=1}
    {profile search:age=">20" search:age="<40"}

But the code above does not give correct result.

Please help me what is missing/wrong here or give me a solution for the same.

1 Answer 1


Unfortunately you cannot use more than one search parameter per field.

Less than ideal, but you could do a conditional in addition to your search. It will throw you off if you want to use the row_count and total_rows variables though.

{profile search:age=">20"}
    {if age < 40}

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