I've got a PHP script that updates an entry's status depending on certain criteria being met. I was planning on running this script as a cron job on my web server every hour.
It'd also be nice if I could run it on certain templates on the website too (like on a success/confirmation page after an entry was submitted), so that entries can be updated right away should they need to be.
How would I go about running this script silently from a template though, without it outputting anything to screen? I almost want to 'ping the cron job' (pardon the lack of technical terms here!) from the EE template. It's not something I've done before so I'd appreciate any advice on the best way of going about this, thanks.
As a final follow-up, here's the code I ended up using inside my EE template. I followed Anna's first recommendation below and used the PHP exec() function, and I ran this PHP using CE String's php method:
{exp:ce_str:ing php}
exec("php path/to/my/php/script.php > /dev/null &");