I have a client who wants what they call a 'Business Needs Survey Form' implemented into the site. The form will ask a series of around 30 business questions and once completed it will send off an email to sales team, and the user themself.
A subset of those 30 questions (Simple Needs Questions form (I did not come up with that name)) will be assigned to different areas of the site in order to entice the user to go and fill out the full Business Needs Survey.
The simple needs questions will have a simple yes or no answer option, which when chosen will reveal an answer that links off to one or more of the clients products or the full survey. Those answers need to be progressively captured as the user flows through the site. With me so far? Cool. Here comes the question.
How is the best way to attack this?
My initial thinking was to:
- Set up a channel to hold the questions and 2 different answers (one for yes one for no)
- Use playa to allocate the questions to the different pages throughout the site
- and possibly—this is where I'm stuck—capture the responses using safecracker to another channel which can then be pulled out when the user is ready.
NOTE: The user of the site will not be logged in, or have membership of any sorts.
Is this a good idea? Has anybody done anything like this before, or are there any addons out there that service this type of requirement?
I'm really unsure on how to capture and store that data site wide.
Any help would be appreciated. Cheers Dan