I have a page that I want to list the entries in a channel, but I ONLY want the entry to be listed IF it has a relationship. So I am populating the filter with the following:

    <li class="segment-1 selected-1 active"><a href="#" class="all">All</a></li>
        <li class="segment-{count}">
            <a href="#" class="{url_title}" style="text-transform: capitalize;">{title}</a>

I don't mind writing a custom query to do it, but I tried this:

SELECT DISTINCT(title) AS parent_title FROM exp_channel_titles WHERE entry_id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(parent_id) AS parent FROM exp_relationships )

with no luck. Maybe I am over complicating things with this one. The rest of the page is under an entry loop in another channel:


The field is in the Success Stories channel as a relationship field named {services_used} which is pointing to the Service channel to relate it to the various services used.

I just need to be able to list the Service channel entries (distinctly) if they are referenced as used by a Success Story entry.

1 Answer 1


I was able to get what I needed using a query. I wasn't looking at the entries correctly in their relationships. I needed the children instead of the parents.

This is what I ended up with:

{exp:query sql="SELECT title, url_title FROM exp_channel_titles WHERE entry_id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(child_id) FROM exp_relationships ) ORDER BY title"}
    <li class="segment-{count}">
        <a href="#" class="{url_title}" style="text-transform: capitalize;">{title}</a>

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