I'm trying to display a custom field (a product picture) in the checkout page but it's getting buggy. I'd like to display a picture of each product next to it's info. When the page is processed, it displays the first picture correctly, but loops the same image for the rest of the products. I can't figure out why (I'm new to EE). Please help. My code is as follows:
{exp:channel:entries channel="products"}
<a class="quick-cart-item" href="{path='store_example/checkout'}"><!-- item -->
<img class="pull-left" src="{main_pic}" width="40" alt="quick cart">
<div class="inline-block">
<span class="title block">{title}</span>
<span class="price block">{item_qty} × {item_subtotal}</span>
</a><!-- /item -->