We're using MSM with Solspace Super Search, each sub site is reached through a subdomain, eg:
But, on a search results page that displays results from across all sites, all of the path tags I have tried, such as 'auto_path', get resolved to the current sub domain for all results, and not to the site for each entry.
I could group the results according to sub domain and then set the paths, but is there a way to get the full path for each entry without doing this?
{exp:super_search:results paginate="bottom" limit="40"}
<?php $class = {count} % 2 == 0?'even':'odd';?>
<td class="<?=$class?>" width="30%" valign="top"><b><a href="{url_title_path='/article'}">{title}</a></b></td>
<td class="<?=$class?>" width="10%" valign="top">{author}</td>
<td class="<?=$class?>" width="10%" valign="top">{entry_date format="%d/%m/%y"}</td>
<p>Page {current_page} of {total_pages} pages {pagination_links}</p>