I've got this code:

$res = $this->EE->db->where(array('EventCode' =>$r["eventcode"]))
$course_date = $res->row('FormalDate');

but when I try to echo $course_date;, all I get is Array

Isn't this how to use the DB class to return a single row and get it's field values?

2 Answers 2


That is because that's what you're probably getting!

If you want to see what's going on, do this:

$res = $this->EE->db->where(array('EventCode' =>$r["eventcode"]))

$course_date = $res->row('FormalDate');


And update your answer with the output of that var_dump command.


I had it inside loop for another Query

The reason it was doing this is because it was a foreach from another call like this:

$results = $this->EE->db->get_where('exp_willis_rosters', array('status' => 'I'));
$registered = array();
if($results->num_rows() > 0) {
    foreach($results->result_array() as $row) {
        // get the corresponding event for the user in the roster row
        $res = $this->EE->db->where(array('EventCode' =>$r["eventcode"]))
        $course_date = $res->row('FormalDate');

I moved the code to another place that works.

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