EE 5.2.4

I'm developing a feature for custom analytics. Certain activities are saved as channel entries in order to be presented in a dashboard later.

I have the first part of the feature working. The way I've gone about it is to save the activity as a string of JSON in a channel entry field. My intention was to parse this out later, as I'm not sure what sort of technology I'll be using on the dashboard and JSON seemed like a universal/consistent format to store the data.

My issue is when I try to pass the JSON string as a tag parameter into a php class method, it doesn't like the JSON and returns nothing.



{exp:channel:entries channel='analytics' dynamic='no' status='not closed'}
    {exp:class:my_method json='{json}'}


  function my_method() {

    $json = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('json');

When the {json} is the saved JSON string from the channel (I know that's working because it shows just fine in the template), the $json variable will return nothing, but if I replace {json} in json='{json}' with a normal string or even another entry field like {title} it will work just fine and I'll get a correct print.

Any ideas what's happening to this JSON string?

I could use php to work with this data in the template, for example

<? php 
   $json = '{json}';
   print_r(json_decode($json, true));

but I'd really rather use the EE template features if possible because I just like them so much.

Thanks for your help!

1 Answer 1


Tags in params aren't going to be parsed unless you add this parameter:


The parse order stuff is... hard to grok. Try adding that to your channel entry tag.


  • Thanks for the answer! I'm not sure I understand, though. I added parse='inward' to my channel entry tag and the result changed from nothing to '}. In the documentation you linked it uses an rss_parser tag? {exp:rss_parser url="https://ellislab.com/blog/rss-feed" limit="5" parse="inward"}
    – Shayne
    Commented Aug 22, 2019 at 15:29
  • Hrmm. The issue there might be that your JSON string actually has single quotes in it, resulting in a parameter that ends up looking like this: json='{'key': 'value'}' which would confuse the parser. Try putting a plain string like test into your JSON field and see if it gets passed correctly.
    – jrothafer
    Commented Aug 22, 2019 at 17:13
  • And the doc example is just that; and example. Ignore the rss_parse tag, it could be any EE method tag.
    – jrothafer
    Commented Aug 22, 2019 at 17:14

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