Im using Freeform to submit a form which adds the sender automatically to a mailing list.

Does anyone know if it is possible to add "name" to a mailing list? One would have though this should be a built-in feature be alas.

Thanks for any pointers.


1 Answer 1


No there isn't. The internal mailing list just handles email addresses. It's not meant to be a full Email Management System, just a method for you to provide general communications via ExpressionEngine.

ExpressionEngine integrates well with numerous other Email Management Solutions (EMS). You can use MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, Emma, Constant Contact, etc.

MailChimp and Campaign Monitor have add-ons that allow extended integration, but generally speaking as long as the EMS provides javascript embed forms, you can use any solution you like. Using a full fledge EMS provides a lot more benefits, since you can allow segmentation, auto responders, etc.

Using EE's Mailing List Module doesn't really allow for list segmentation. You can create multiple lists, so people could sign-up to receive say 'event notices' vs 'general announcements', but it can be hard enough to get someone to sign-up for one mailing let alone two or three.

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