I was thinking of using EE for a restaurant review kind of website. Ideally, I would like to create the restaurants as entries and have the entire menu of each restaurant as a Martix in their entry.

Next, I would like website members/visitors to rate individual dishes of a restaurant through star ratings (and possibly comment). There are quite a few ratings add-ons but they rate entries not rows in Matrix. Keep in mind that this should be done on the front-end and not CP.

Any ideas if there is anything that could help me? Or possibly look at the above from a different prospect to get it to do what I want?

1 Answer 1


The way you describe your project there is a pretty strong case for defining your dishes as Matrix rows instead of entries as you described (ie, restaurants defined as an entry with a Matrix for the menu and each dish being a Matrix row).

That said, as an alternative you could define dishes as fully-fledged entries and relate them to restaurants using a Playa field in the restaurant entry. This would allow you to use one of the rating add-ons that works with entries, but your menus would be more fragmented in the system and maybe less convenient/intuitive from a maintenance standpoint.

But since ratable Matrix rows sounds like the best approach, take a look at VZ Average. I have not tried it but according to the docs it supports rating Matrix rows.

VZ Average is a flexible and minimal framework for rating or tallying anything in EE that you can identify with an ID: a channel entry, a comment, a Matrix row, or anything else. A few possible uses for it include: star ratings, thumbs up/down ratings, flagging comments as offensive, voting on entries, etc.

I actually discovered this add-on just now and wish I had known about it earlier since I had a very similar project requirement and ended up building a custom module. Building the module was fun, but if I had known about VZ Average I would have at least tested it out!

  • 2
    I'm the developer of VZ Average. It should be able to do exactly what you want (assuming I'm understanding you correctly). It will take a bit more work on your part than some of the drop-in entry ratings plugins you've seen, but it's also a lot more flexible. Take a look at the docs on GitHub and feel free to email me if you get stuck. Commented Mar 14, 2013 at 16:40
  • I had looked at VZ Average and installed it but for some reason, it doesn't give me as a custom field in Matrix. I can see it as a custom field on its own but when adding a new column to Matrix, it doesn't come up in the drop-down. Commented Mar 14, 2013 at 19:46
  • Hmm- I am not seeing the ability to add VZ as a Custom Field at all now- not in Matrix, not as a standard custom field. Weird. It is definitely installed and shows up in the list of Add-On->Custom Fields Commented Mar 14, 2013 at 19:57
  • Well, it is not a fieldtype it is a module. So you won't add it to custom field groups or as a matrix column. You use the module's template tags in your templates to save or display ratings associated with particular content. See the documentation.
    – Alex Kendrick
    Commented Mar 14, 2013 at 21:07
  • 1
    Yes, Alex is exactly right. You will do everything in the templates. Just make sure to set entry_type="matrix" and entry_id="{row_id}" in your module tags, so the ratings are attached to the Matrix row rather than the entry. Commented Mar 14, 2013 at 21:26

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